Hardware Attacks

Special techniques to perform attacks on automotive hardware components to identify potential vulnerabilities.

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Hardware attacks

Attacks on vehicle hardware are becoming increasingly common. Attackers use a range of techniques to exploit vulnerabilities in hardware components.

BreachLabz hardware attack testing services include invasive and non-invasive attacks, such as debug port reading and writing, glitching, fault injection, and timing analysis. Glitching involves injecting a small voltage spike or glitch into the pulse or power supply of a system to disrupt normal operation. Fault injection aims to manipulate hardware behavior by injecting faults into the system. Timing analysis measures the time it takes a device to perform a particular operation to identify potential vulnerabilities.

Our expert teams use specialized tools and techniques to perform these attacks and identify potential vulnerabilities in given automotive hardware components (including memory chips, processors and peripherals).

This results in tangible recommendations for action to address these vulnerabilities to ensure that hardware in use is secure and can withstand attacks from potential intruders.

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