Professional vehicle ECU pentesting

We are your professional testing partner

ECU-specific vulnerability analysis that meets regulatory and industry standards and is tailored to the needs of the development project. Or to put it simply, we hack your ECU. And you'll like it.


Hacking ECUs today. Secure vehicles tomorrow.

Testing has always been a high priority in vehicle development. Today's vehicles and their cybersecurity requirements demand specialised expertise to uncover vulnerabilities and potential gaps in security mechanisms.

Our team of experts in Munich, Germany, supports vehicle manufacturers and suppliers with customised vehicle penetration testing at the individual ECU level.

These services are not only used to comply with industry standards, but also provide valuable insights into how to make development work and its results more secure.

Automotive Penetration Testing

Expertise in automotive penetration testing of electronic control units in the automotive industry

Commitment - Roofing X Webflow Template

Practical experience

We prefer to focus on our tightly scheduled projects with international clients rather than get bogged down in some kind of extensive coordination just to be able to officially list our many industry references. Let's just say we are well known.

Quality - Roofing X Webflow Template


Coming from one of the world's leading automotive cybersecurity consultancies, and with a genuine passion for cybersecurity engineering, we can't be accused of lacking expertise. The only thing you could accuse us of is a fondness for hoodies.

Leadership - Roofing X Webflow Template

Always up-to-date

As you read this sentence, we are already thinking about whether it is up to date. With our many years of experience in the automotive industry, we are not only keeping pace, we are also investing in new technologies, tools and skills.


"ISO/SAE 21434, all done" Yours sincerely, BreachLabz

Audits, assessments and certifications are often used in the context of UN R155 and ISO/SAE 21434. This is a good thing. Even better is to get truly reliable recommendations (product and process level) on what to do to achieve true ISO/SAE 21434 compliance.

With our deep expertise in cybersecurity technical compliance, our ECU penetration testing services go beyond the industry standard testing requirements. Our reports and recommendations can also serve as a valuable source of inspiration for project and organisation-specific improvements.

Automotive Penetration Testing, Falk Mayer

Tailored to your needs

While many players in the market are happy to follow their standard approach, we are able to implement truly customised approaches to pentesting projects. This means that our procedures focus on the specific details of your development project and are tailored to the characteristics of your ECUs and work areas.

In addition to our flexible working methods ('Your place or mine?') and efficient project execution - remote work makes it possible! - we always try to maintain a lively exchange, to work with the teams involved in an uncomplicated way and to share knowledge. 

And yes, we are flexible. It's automotive ...


Cost-effective. Reliable. And just super cool.

1. You decide that we could be your partner for your ECU level pentesting project.
2a. You send us some details (see form below)
2b. No problem, NDA, etc.
3. We develop a test plan for you and provide you with a detailed quote.
3. You postpone the start of the project, there is a delay.
4. Get started. Delivered on time, tracked transparently, results clearly itemised.

++ Advertising ++ Why BreachLabz?


years of tradition in penetration testing - not quite yet. But we have mastered about that many projects.


focus on ECUs is not quite correct. We work end-to-end, incl. backend infrastructures, etc.


human sounds good, but it would be expensive. We rely on automation and modern tools, of course.


automotive, vehicle + IoT systems, you got it. IT security testing? Only when your vehicle depends on it.

First, send us the inquiry. Then, send us the ECU.

Well planned is half done. We always strive to ensure that all of our clients'projects - large or small - are delivered without a single hitch. That is why it would be great if you could give us some initial information about your test project here. 

NDAs, framework agreements, background checks, ethical guidelines? Don't worry, we know how the automotive industry ticks.

Please email us or write to us here.

Get in touch

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Want to get to know us? Let's have a call.

Automotive Penetration Testing, Falk Mayer